Corporate Partnership
Struggling for talent? Create and nurture it from within.
You have high-potential employees in your organization who have the desire to grow to the next level. A Harvard Business Review said, “Half of survey respondents said their top teams spend less than 10% of their time developing high-potential leaders.”
If you neglect to nurture and grow these high-potentials, you run the risk of losing them resulting in weak teams lacking strong leaders.
How can collaborative success coaching help?
I will work with your high-potential employees to create a path to achieve their highest potential both professionally and personally.
This will include:
Developing a unique personalized path that includes goals, visions, and life ambitions.
Identifying and breaking down barriers that are hindering meeting and exceeding their goals and potential.
Making fundamental changes to performance or behaviors – breaking bad habits.
Providing accountability.
Performance Development
Do you have team members that are working below optimal performance? Maybe you have an employee that lacks client communication skills, continually falls below their benchmarks, or struggles with management.
Let's work together. Collaborative coaching can make a big difference, so let's get started before it becomes a serious problem. This is a great next step before resorting to the dreaded Performance Improvement Plan.
Why use a Coach to help with Performance Development and Improvement?
Coaching works! Managers typically don't have the time to be a Coach to their individual employees. In my years of being in Human Resources, I have seen fully capable employees in performance plans when really they just needed personalized coaching.
This will include:
Identifying specific barriers which are hindering performance and growth.
Systematically breaking down barriers and use them as stepping stones to rebuild new habits to create success.
Identifying gifts, talents, and true potential.
Understanding and implementing a growth mindset.
How does a Corporate Partnership work?
I will partner with your managers to provide coaching to the team members who need it most. This will require working closely with the managers to understand the issues, steps already taken, company culture, expectations, etc. As I work with your employees, I will integrate into your team, understand your culture, and gain a deeper understanding of how to help your employees succeed within the organization.